Monday, May 9, 2011

Peeli-Peeli sarson phooli...Peela hai ulaas ka rang

Though Yash Chopra have shown Mustard fields for numerous times in his movies (none other than Punjab) . Almost all the romantic actors/actresses have roamed around these mustard fields and gave us a sinking heart to dig into that. But I am amazed by the fact that Mustard oil is never used in Punjabi cuisine. The only most talked about cusine is Sarson da saag.

Mustard oil (Sarson tel) is mostly used in Bihar, Bengal, Orissa and some north-eastern states. Since the smell is quite pungent , people who are not used to it cannot stand while heating/cooking.

There is something special about mustard plant and flower indeed. I too had the opportunity to see plants along the railway tracks during my rail journeys in Bihar. But area of cultivation always looks smaller than the Punjab fields.

I remember my mom always asking one puzzle regarding mustard seeds. All the kids (Gen-X & Gen-Y) have gone through this cute and silly one :-) This trend is still going on. Though it is in my mother tongue "Bhojpuri", its meaning holds true.

" Chhoti chuki tuiyaan, patak dem bhuiyaan
   naa tooti tuiyaan, wah wah tuiyaan"

Meaning : It is so small, I drop it on ground..but it won't great it is :-)))

I guess this was one of the easier way to get an acquaintance with our everyday spices ;-)
(I do have Desi puzzle on cereals too..but this is not the right time.Thanks to my mom..)

Usually both yellow and brown/black mustard seeds are used in our cuisine. But yellow is my favorite
as it symbolizes sunlight, brightness and happiness.

Mostly yellow is the preferable one for curry and paste. So either we make paste or use it for baghaar (chhaunka)...

Wow!! I just simply cannot resist the mustard based gravy of Rohu fish or simple aloo ki sabzi or aloo-baingan ki sabzi (potato-brinjal). It has got a very strong flavor, so it is never used alone in abundant. Rather its paste is mostly made with garlic (another smelly fellow ;-)

Unlike other vegetable or seed oils , Mustard oil do have Omega 3-fatty acids ( a new name to be heard everyday these days for our sinner heart which keeps asking for unhealthy food...spoiler!).

There was a time when I used to put mustard oil in my hairs sometime (strictly on holidays) , but never dared to go school like that. I am sure I would have been out-casted by my friends (smell rocks!!!). I guess it is a good way to get rid of unwanted person ;-))))

Oh!! are a killer too. I hated you whenever my mom put your oil drops in my blocked nose. No Otrivin, no Cetrizine, no Vicks. Nothing can come near to you when nose is blocked. Aaanchhhoooo :-((

But you always remind me of bright sun pouring down all its happiness to me. I am just there to soak it all. And then I feel, I belong to this world...not limited to a street..a city..or a country...


Saturday, May 7, 2011

From West to East.. Coastal affair

We all have some kind of inspiration in our life. Be it small or big, it changes the way of thinking and gives us an insight to do something different. Oops !! I forgot that this page was not created for giving some lectures but I can take some liberty here.

Ok...Since I have not been cooking from a long time, the recipes cooked by me has been savored by very few. I am always quite embarrassed to cook in front of my mom. It makes me feel as if something will go wrong. I have tried only one recipe "Pyaaz ki Kachori" (Onion stuffed fried Dumplings) with her, though a Rajasthani one. Fortunately, it came out quite well :-) 
Thanks to the Pune snack shop which gave me a new recipe to try out at home.

 Like my mom, my dearest friend have never got a chance to taste food cooked by me. I call her almost every other day and keep telling that i have been cooking some authentic Bihari cuisines. Though, she  is a great cook herself since long time ( at least she can cook for me !!!). 

We have been in touch since when I knew only eating and relishing the food. Cooking was always an undesirable dream (duty :( ) for me. I would never ever have thought of taking up of something like this. Its you who make me feel so good about our recipes on which we have grown up. We both take immense pride in that. Even we have grown up in two different places, but the essence of food remained the same. 

Your encouragement was always there, whether we were in college or in kitchen today...
Thanks for reminding that I could do something like this ( Do I sound like Hanumanji or what?) 

Today we are coast apart but I know you can understand my feelings..our food..and best of our times...

Love you moti

Happy Mothers Day..and a new start of Journey

Happy Mothers Day and wish you mom all the good health and happiness.

There has been no other day in my life to start with this. She would be shocked and surprised (happily) to see that I could start something like this. I was the one among all kids who did not even know the basic nitty-gritty of cooking. I remember when I was getting married and Papa was concerned if I could cook. sighhhh....  I know its tough for him to digest . But Mom always knew that her daughters will do well wherever they are. Give them responsibilities, they will perform.

Btw I am not praising myself, rather I am proud that I can cook today. But there is one thing which is known to very few people that I have quite a good sense of smell. This only has taught me the basic cooking.

Thanks to my mother who is constantly there  (mostly over phone for sharing recipes ,be it India or USA :) ) and my husband (to sustain all my considerable efforts). I know even my elder sisters are also following the same.

So I keep cooking with all their help and love.

Love you maa..